Exchange and Study Abroad

Are you curious about other cultures and countries? You should be.

Developing a global perspective and having an international learning experience are essential components of a Bishop’s experience and of life in general. It will open your eyes, minds, and hearts. Beyond personal development, it will differentiate you from others in the job market as an explorer, an independent leader and learner.

Why Study Abroad

Camille Cournoyer in Spain
Live enriching experiences

Benefits of Learning Abroad

Studying abroad as a part of your degree is a once in a lifetime opportunity for an intercultural academic experience. Learn about your field of study from a comparative perspective and develop intercultural communication skills and self-confidence, qualities that will help you in your future endeavors.

Loch Baillie in England
The world awaits

Global Destinations

If there is a continent you have been curious to know better, or passionate about a country you already have some exposure to, chances are Bishop’s has a bilateral agreement in that area – meaning you can study there if you meet the eligibility requirements!

A student on exchange
Money Matters

Study Abroad Financing

Worried about the cost of an exchange or summer program? We understand. And while this type of commitment can be challenging financially there may be funding available that will bring this incredible opportunity within your budget.

Japan and Belize

Summer Programs

Bishop’s University is proud to have been selected to take part in the national Global Skills Opportunity program that will give thousands of Canadian post-secondary students access to life-changing international study and work opportunities.

Interested in Going Abroad in 2025-2026?

For information and deadlines, see the Information Sessions web page. Please note: the application for the 2024-2025 International Mobility Program is now CLOSED.

Students in class

Incoming International Exchange Students

You would like to live the Bishop’s experience for your student exchange? Excellent choice! Find all the information you need to start your application process and we can’t wait to meet you!

Lysange Gervais

About BU International

We are a team dedicated to the well-being and academic success of both inbound and outbound students on their global learning journey. You can meet with us in person or via our virtual office if you have any questions or concerns about the amazing opportunity of learning abroad.

Study Abroad FAQs

Haven’t found what you are looking for? Check out these FAQ’s for more info or get in touch!